Title: The Hidden Price of Laziness
Ever noticed the power of just a little planning ahead? There are those days when I’ve got my act together: clothes picked out, lunch packed, and deals lined up for dinner or drinks with friends after work. Those days turn out smooth, easy, and a little bit cheaper, thanks to some minor efforts the night before.
Then there are the other days… the lazy ones. Days when I skip the prep work and pay for it later. The shirt I hastily pulled out clashes with my pants, making me feel awkward all day. Or, worse, I spend extra minutes and panic changing outfits, usually running late.
And here’s the bit that hits the wallet – I spend nearly $50 a day on food ’cause I didn’t pack a lunch or plan a dinner. An unplanned coffee here, a sudden sandwich there, topped off with tired takeout on the way home. And I’m left asking myself: How much money could I save just by being a bit less lazy?
And it’s not just about money, it’s about time too. Planning can really free up your day. Even keeping things in their proper place can save you countless minutes searching for lost items or replacing them. If you always know where your loyalty cards are, you’re always scoring discounts.
And then there’s that fateful evening at my parent’s place. I was hungry, feeling lazy, and dreaming of a quick sandwich to go. Yet, I realized that even getting that sandwich would eat up my time: getting in the car, driving, ordering, waiting. Instead, I decided to make some quick pirogues I found at home. It literally took me about 3 minutes of effort, and I could enjoy my TV show while they were cooking. Turned out, the “quick and easy” option wasn’t so quick or easy after all.
So, here’s what I’m realizing. I value time. With free time, you could relax, blog, play board games with family or haggle with your internet provider for a better rate. Maybe not everyone’s going to do that last one, but still, you could.
So, how much extra time could you snag by being a tad less lazy? Sure makes you think, right?